Book coming out on June 2


June 1, 2023

Dear friends and family,

I wanted to wait until there was something to tell you. Thus, a newsletter in early May did not happen. It seems like a long time since we "spoke". That said there are a few items to share.

The first one is something that I have thought about for years, and then put it back in a drawer so to speak.

Holly Phillips and I have been busily working on four field guides (AKA books see picture below) in relation our studies within the Akashic Records. This first one is our debut as a team and it that goes to print on June 3 just two days from now.

Just to fill you in, I have been studying this modality for the last nine years and Holly and I met in a class two years ago. We ended up leaving a teacher and class at the same time, and have created a large collection of practices and experiences since them. We've actually put the book to bed and are currently recording all our Akashic Record stories coming out on the Akashic Explorers podcast soon! Stay tuned.

Some of you might be wondering what exactly are the Akashic Records. The uncomplicated version follows:

"The Akashic Records are a resource that you can use to get in touch with your higher self. Depending on your perspective and intention, you can retrieve information about your own personal soul journey including the past, the present and future potential." definition from Holly Phillips (in gratitude)

Pre-Order the Book (Button)

Below is a picture of the cover of our book. Stay tuned for more mini books as we press on.

And in other more mundane news, the garden is coming along after a few pesky setbacks were dealt with. Suffice it to say, the pesky ones liked the taste of recently sprouted sunflowers. We tried putting them in the greenhouse and then transferred them to the kitchen floor when our two mischievous tabbies decided to dance on the plastic covering of the trays. Sadly, that group did not survive. All in all we lost four hundred sprouts, BUT I did use an idea from my friend Laura who just throws out the seeds to the wind and lets nature take its course. And so, I recovered and not there are clusters of sunflower forests which shall be transplanted to other areas where we lost the tops of flowers recently. And... so ..... we persevere.

Spring was late here in Oregon this year, and when the warm weather hit it can quickly and no holds barred.. It is finally back to "normal" ,whatever that is.

That is about all for now. I shall save any and all happenings until early July, right before returning to Glastonbury UK on the sixth.

Big, big blessings to all and enjoy the summer solstice, coming soon to a northern hemisphere near you.



P.S I run a fun "Meet the Goddess" private page on Facebook if you are interested, write me at and I will add you. I pretty much post daily with all kinds of fun information: card decks, books, travel stories and more.

June 2023 lots of news

Susan Brochin